I've been dancing 16 years. I started when I was three and I've never stopped since.
I never remember my life without dancing- it was just something I did and that was my life. As a child I loved dressing up in the pretty costumes and dancing on a stage in front of alot of people, but as I've grown up I actually dance because I love it.
I assitant taught at a dance school last year, and loved it. I looked forward to when I would be able to teach by myself. This past summer a friend of mine asked me to come teach dance at her studio... and so began my first year being an independant teacher; it was a dream come true.
Being a pychology major I knew that teaching dance could really be a place where I would have to deal with children and parents and have to understand a child's mind and what they are thinking. At times it can be challenging, but overall it is very rewarding as a teach to have come upon a problem, then have solved it. I hope someday I can open a business that incorporates dance into a mental/emotional therapy program for children and adults.